Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Europe: More Photos

Hey all! Nothing too exciting to report today except I got a few more photos uploaded. Please head on over to my Flickr page to view them all. I try to update it at least once a day so check back often.

I did take a nice long walk along the Seine and ended up outside of the Louvre Museum, but it started raining heavily so I couldn't snap any photos. Tomorrow I'm going to tour the museum though, stay tuned.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Europe: Paris and Notre Dame

This morning Emily had to leave for school so I packed up and decided to head off into the city and do some wandering. First I made way to the local mall and to the mobile phone shop to see about getting a sim card for my phone. All of the "pay as you go" plans don't include data and charge you for it at a rather scary rate, so I didn't end up getting one yet. I still need to research more. After the mall I headed down Rue Beaubourg and snapped a few photos on my way to visit Notre Dame. As I crossed the River Seine I got lucky with a couple of nice shots of the river and the boats it held. The clouds were a bit murky and gave way to a few short spurts of rain but for the most part it was holding up as a nice day for the camera.

After snapping the photos of the Seine I kept on walking until I reached Notre Dame. It's really only about a mile from Emily's apartment, if that, so it's easy. The outside of Notre Dame is absolutely awesome. If you're anywhere near it you really can't take any pictures because it's too big... I needed to walk a good 50 yards back just to get the whole thing into a picture. It really is amazing though when you see's inspiring just taking it all in even.

Awesome isn't it? That would be the front if you will, and it's the shorter side of the rectangular building. The long side is about twice as wide as that haha. It's HUGE. I went inside where a big sign said NO CAMERAS but as I got in and saw hundreds of other people taking photos I said what the hell. It was extremely dark in there but I managed to get a couple good ones.

The inside of the Cathedral is breath-taking. The statues, the stained glass windows, the golden chandeliers and amazing artwork on the walls and's awesome. If I had to compare to some of the Italian churches I'd say I like the actual architecture and awesome power of this place a bit more, but Italy wins in the ways of their churches being much more filled with amazing artwork and statues and such. Still though, who cares? All of these places are ridiculous and awesome.

I've got a bunch more pictures of the inside of Notre Dame but they are dark and kind of hard to see what's going on. They'll be on my Flickr eventually. ;) Speaking of, check the link below to see these photos larger and a bunch more.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Europe: Venice, Italy - Part V

Venice was great! We're now back in Paris with a grand pile of pictures to sort through and some fond memories of a really beautiful city. Our last night in Venice took us to a couple of neat little pubs where we got to sing some Italian karaoke and drink a few mojitos after a great dinner at one of the local eateries. Italian pasta and Venezian seafood is serious fantastic. We walked up and down the streets a bit more that day collecting souvenirs and seeing the sights one last time before heading out the next morning. One interesting thing that happened was that at 7am when we attempted to leave, the hotel was locked from the outside. We were literally locked in the hotel lobby for 30 or so minutes waiting for the clerk to return from whatever the heck he was doing. When he finally returned we headed to our bus and to Marco Polo airport.

I've started to sort through some of the photos so here are a bunch to get started with. There are oh so many more, but this should be cool to look at for now.

Enjoy, and au revoir for now!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Europe: Venice, Italy - Part II

Today Emily taught me a bunch of things about my camera that I had no idea. I've been using it like a big noob for so long that there were some basic things I hadn't ever learned that are now leading to some great photos! I'm afraid I can't show any until I get a chance to sort them and get them "show" ready...but I trust anyone reading this will come back in a few days for some great Venezian imagery.

We've spent the majority of the trip here so far just walking around and exploring every nook and cranny of this amazing city. I'm not a religious person but you really don't have to be to appreciate the amazing churches and religious architecture held in this city. Considering you're standing in a giant stone cathedral that is probably upwards of 800 years old is breath taking. Every inch, or centimeter if you will, of the buildings is pure art. The walls, the pillars, the great shrines, even the floors are all brilliantly laid tile and ornate paintings and mosaics of all different kinds. Gold, silver, glass, marble, it's awesome! You aren't allowed to take photos within the cathedrals and churches so unfortunately there won't be much of those, but we got a few in some certain places that I can post later.

Just wandering through every little alley and observing the daily life of the local Venezians has been so interesting and fun. It reminds me so much of Cape Cod. The city survives on tourism and fishing. You see the locals who spends all of their time catering to tourists and serving food, baked goods, wine, beer, etc., as well as the fisherman and boatmen who spend their days on the canals and sailing the Mediterranean to keep the daily fish markets stocked for us visitors and locals alike. Lastly you've got the unsung heroes of the city who keep it's pipes flowing, it's buildings standing, and it's streets and canals safe. Watching the tourists react to the different facets of the city and it's life within constantly takes me back to being in Orleans or Brewster in the middle of July. I remember my sister was asked one time where she went during the Winter when the Cape "closed". I can definitely see the locals here being treated much the same by the myriad of people visiting from every corner of the Globe.

That's all for today. Don't forget to check out Emily's blog for another side to this interesting story.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Photos from Cape Cod

One day we had a great misty sunset, the other a terrible storm. All made for great photos. Here a few more from the set.

More available at:

Monday, June 8, 2009

Absolutely Amazing Photographs Of Waves

These are photos taken by a guy named Clark Little. Absolutely stunning. This guy puts himself into some serious wipe outs to get these shots.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Here is a new flower photo.

Took about 200 photos this weekend up at Emily's college. I've got quite a few to go through but this is something I put together quickly last night. Stay tuned for more!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Photos

Check out more at my FLICKR page. My new camera is so awesome...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Photography and Voice Lessons

Since Emily got me this new camera I've been taking photos non-stop and managed to sneak in a few good ones here and there! I'm having so much fun with it, I knew I would but never imagined I'd like it this much. To check out all the stuff I've done so far and for further updates be sure to check out the official Jayonidas FLICKR page. (Link)

This past weekend was my first vocal lesson. It went extremely well and I'm very excited to learn more and get better with my singing. Eventually I'll start recording and maybe post up a piece or two but for now you'll just have to visualize. It's a lot of fun, can't wait to keep it going.

Oh yeah, new blog header, and the waves today destroyed me. Off to nurse my headache!